Project Summary:
Crawford Brewing Equipment helped create a unique brewhouse and cellar equipment for a tech savvy client interested in automation.

We provided a 7bbl brewhouse, four 7bbl fermenters, one 15bbl fermenter, 15bbl hot liquor tank, boiler, G&D 7x7 dual stage chiller, and six unique 7bbl stacked brite/serving tanks. Crawford also provided a chain disk grain handling system with roller mill and grist case. They are located in Burlington, IA and did extensive renovation on a very cool building in old downtown. We added the following automation to this customer's brewhouse:
• Real time gravity monitoring of wort transfer from the grant during lautering.
• Strike water blending/temperature adjustment.
• Strike water volume addition.
• Step mashing with multiple stored profiles.
• Brew kettle steam jacket sequential activation during filling and hold off boil until full.
• Boil over protection.
• Wort chilling.
• Knockout wort volume measurement.
• Hot liquor tank one touch fill and overflow prevention during knockout.
• Centralized cellar panel with automatic ramp/soak fermentation profiles.
We would like to give the client's other company, Fusion Tech, special thanks for their assistance throughout this project. If you are in the area, come check them out!