15, 20, 30, 45, 60 Barrel CLT and HLT
Hot & cold liquor tanks include a sight tube and pump with pre-piped recirculation loop to eliminate tank stratification. Stainless steel dimple jackets are utilized to maximize heat transfer performance. Custom sizes available up to 320 barrels.
15, 20, 30, 45, 60 Barrel CLT and HLT Includes:
- Sight Tube
- Pump
- Pre-piped recirculation loop
- Stainless Steel dimple jacket
- Pre-piped CIP ball
15, 20, 30, 45, 60 Barrel CLT and HLT Specifications:
Both hot and cold liquor tanks use dimple jacket technology for maximum heat transfer performance.
When purchased as a part of a brewhouse package, both tanks come with a variable frequency drive installed into the brewhouse control panel that is controlled by the touch screen HMI. This allows the brewer to run the pump at slower speeds to alleviate stratification in the tank before brewing, or to run it at higher speeds during transfers. Included temperature sensors feed back to the panel display as well. Both tanks come with an automated control valve for steam (HLT) or glycol (CLT) which the HMI controls to maintain the temperature setpoint.
When purchased separately, these features are available as add on options.
All of our brewhouses come standard with an HLT at least twice the size of the brewhouse volume (example: 7bbl brewhouse comes with a 15bbl HLT), but you can modify this as you see fit. None of our brewhouses come standard with a CLT, because we have found that most breweries can operate without one. Factors which influence whether you will need a CLT or not include high municipal water temperature which can be found in warmer climates, or wastewater systems that are sensitive to large volumes of water such as a septic system or lagoon.
All hot or cold liquor tanks come with a sight tube, pump, pre-piped recirculation loop, and pre-piped CIP ball.