Proofing Tanks
When you complete a distillation run, you will have a volume of high proof distillate in your receiving tank or spirit safe. That high proof distillate is transferred by pump to a proofing tank, which is designed to hold multiple runs’ worth of distillate until you are either ready to package it, blend it, or put it in barrels. This tank is on load cells which is a type of scale so you can measure the amount of reverse osmosis water added to reduce the proof. This is typically done by weight. Also, when you have finished barrel aged product, you transfer it to the proofing tank to combine and blend it, and adjust it down a second time from barrel proof to packaging proof. You package directly out of this tank. Tanks are single walled, uninsulated and not clad. Top manway, CIP, load cells and display are included. Available in standard 7bbl (217 gallons), 10bbl (310 gallons), and 15bbl (465 gallons) sizes, and we can make any size up to 10,000 gallons.
Proofing Tanks Includes:
- Dish Top and Bottom
- Top Manway
- Sight Glass
- RO Water Inlet
- Load Cell Packages Available for Weighing
- Glycol Jacketing, Insulation, and Cladding Available
- Recirculation Loop for Mixing