10 BBL Steam Fired Brewhouse
Our 10 bbl steam fired brewhouse is a great choice for small to medium-sized brewpubs, or those who want to have many different beers on tap. Both the brewhouse and fermenters can be half-batched, making only 5 bbl, so it’s easy to make small amounts of beer to keep brands turning over at the bar. If things get busy, the included 20 bbl hot liquor tank has you covered for double 10 bbl brews into our 20 bbl fermenters.
10 BBL Steam Fired Brewhouse Includes:
- Mash Tun / Lauter Tank
- Brew Kettle / Whirlpool
- Stainless Steel Work Platform with Handrails
- 20 Barrel Automated HLT
- Fully Welded Sanitary Process Piping System
- Complete Electrical Package
10 BBL Steam Fired Brewhouse Specifications:
(1) Mash Tun/ Lauter Tank Assembly:
- 54” inner diameter all stainless steel T-304 construction, dished top and bottom.
- Fully TIG welded assembly. Internal welds are smoothed with external welds acid cleaned and re-grained. External welds are stripe buffed.
- Mash mixer motor and gear box assembly installed on top of unit. Features to include:
- 1.5hp 3 phase motor with VFD installed.
- ½”x 4” stainless steel mixer paddle with a 2”stainless steel bushed shaft.
- 1.5hp 3 phase motor with VFD installed.
- Auto mash out assembly to include
- Removable mash-out Chute discharging to a remote waste tub (tub provided by others).
- Internal mash grid assembly with (6) wedge wire removable screens for ease of cleaning.
- (1) 17” x 21” sealed access door.
- (1) 18” sealed top man door access.
- (1) Thermo-well installed with RTD for measuring temperature in Mash / Lauter Tun (Please note that we recommend a 42” Digital wand to measure multiple places in Mash / Lauter Tun to gauge an accurate temperature).
- (1) Fully welded steam jacket with rear exit protruding steam/condensate nipples on main body.
- 4” diameter leg assembly with standard anchor pads.
- 2” mineral wool insulation with 14 gauge polished stainless steel outer shell.
- Grist hydrator assembly included.
(1) Brew Kettle Assembly:
- 48” inner diameter all stainless steel T-304 construction, dished top and bottom.
- Fully TIG welded assembly. Internal welds are smoothed with external welds acid cleaned and re-grained. External welds are stripe buffed.
- Internally mounted/removable trub dam.
- Internally mounted ladder assembly for easy cleaning access.
- (3) Fully welded steam jackets with rear exit protruding steam/condensate nipples. Two jackets are installed on the side circumference of the tank and one is installed on the bottom dish.
- (1) Thermowell installed with RTD for measuring temperature in Brew Kettle.
- 4” diameter leg assembly with standard anchor pads.
- 2” mineral wool insulation with 14 gauge polished stainless steel outer shell.
- (1) 8” diameter steam flue slip flange with condensation gutter and drain port
(1) 20 BBL Hot Liquor Tank Assembly:
- 48” inner diameter vessel. Total height 111.58”
- Dished top and bottom.
- (2) Fully welded steam jackets with rear protruding steam/condensate nipples.
- Fully TIG welded assembly. Internal welds are smoothed with external welds acid cleaned and re-grained. External welds are stripe buffed.
- (1) 18” sealed top man door access.
- (1) Thermo-well installed for your supplied temperature probe.
- 4” diameter leg assembly with standard anchor pads.
- 2” mineral wool insulation with 14 gauge polished stainless steel outer shell.
- The HLT includes an electrically actuated steam valve that is pre-wired into our control panel for temperature control.
- (1) Hot liquor tank pump.1hp 208/230V 3 phase motor, all stainless steel T-316L assembly
Sanitary Piping System:
- (1) Stainless steel work platform with handrails provided with an FDA approved chem-grate material decking. You will not need to remove this for any wash down procedures.
- (1) Fully welded sanitary process piping package including:
- All Sanitary Gaskets
- Butterfly Valves
- Site Glasses
- Tri Clamps
- (1) Transfer pump.
- 1-1/2hp 208/230V 3 phase motor.
- Pump mounted to the bottom of the access platform and complete with all piping connections.
- Dual stage all stainless steel Mueller heat exchanger assembly mounted to the underside of the access platform. We do offer a single stage heat exchanger with our systems dependant of your specific needs.
- (1) Grant/ Hop Back kettle complete with:
- Built in float switches.
- Removable wedge wire bottom screen with lift out handle.
- (1) Standard electrical package will include:
- (1) UL Listed Stainless steel wash down electrical box to include:
- Temperature readout for the Mash Tun, Brew Kettle & HLT.
- Temperature control for the HLT.
- VFD controller for the Mash Tun motor assembly.
- VFD for main transfer pump.
- Float switch controllers for the Grant/Hop back kettle.
- VFD for the Hot Liquor Tank pump.
- (1) On/Off/Auto switch for the Transfer pump assembly.
- (1) Wiring diagram for operation of this system.
- (1) UL Listed Stainless steel wash down electrical box to include:
Our main system power requirements are standard 208V 3 phase power. Alternate supply power options are available upon request. Some cost increases may apply.