Project Summary:
Crawford Brewing Equipment was asked to find a solution to a difficult problem. The Lucky Monk is a successful, upscale gastropub and brewery and they desired to replace their old brewing equipment, but it was trapped inside the building. On one side was the restaurant and bar and the other a patio surrounded by brick pylons too close together for the tanks to pass through. We noticed a design element in their wooden pergola in the center of the patio where the architect left an open circular area that just happened to be wide enough for all of the old equipment and new equipment to fit through. We removed a section of wall between the brewery and patio and used a crane to remove and replace the brewing equipment. We repaired the wall when we were done and they are back in action brewing some of the best beer in the Chicago suburbs.
We provided a 7bbl brewhouse with hot water on demand instead of a hot liquor tank due to space restrictions, five 7bbl unitanks, one 15bbl unitank, and a boiler which we located in an existing garage. Crawford did all of the rigging, setting, mechanical installation, and managed a team of glazers, masons, roofers, and carpenters to accomplish the work on the building. Crawford Brewing Equipment is your choice for white glove turnkey service!